Our rainforest campaigns
Find out more about our campaigns and the issues we address – and what you can do to protect the rainforests.

The rainforest
A green sea of ferns, mosses, vines and ancient trees. Iridescent butterflies and colorful birds. Flowers in every hue of the rainbow. The “green lung” is a natural wonder of the world. Find out more about the world’s most diverse, fascinating and threatened ecosystem.


Climate and the rainforest
Rainforests are tightly intertwined with the climate: while forests are suffering from global warming, they are also the key to climate protection.

Carbon credits – the indulgence trade of the 21st century
A plethora of offsetting, compensation and carbon credit schemes say we can protect the climate without having to cut our emissions – but it’s too good to be true.

Palm oil – deforestation for everyday products
Palm oil is literally everywhere – in our foods, cosmetics, cleaning products and fuels. How could it come to this? What can we do to protect people and nature?


Tropical timber


Aluminum – a light metal with a massive impact
Yoghurt lids, beverage cans, deodorants – aluminum is everywhere. Mining its raw material, bauxite, destroys vast tracts of forest and other land.

Industrialized meat production – rainforest on our plates
Burgers, steaks, chicken wings – more and more meat is ending up on our dinner tables. What are the consequences of our meat habit for the environment and our climate?