Smallholder families receive legal support from CPT Maranhão

May 30, 2024

Brazil: Smallholder families successfully defend land against agribusiness giant

Brazilian smallholder families received legal assistance to take on an agribusiness giant and fight for their ancestral land.

Dayak children in traditional clothing

May 16, 2024

Borneo’s Dayak people a big step closer to formal recognition

A success after ten years of struggle for their rights: The Indigenous Dayak Tomun of Kubung village have applied for recognition as a community under Indigenous law.

Rainforest Rescue activist Elisa Norio at the World Bank

Apr 23, 2024

World Bank suspends controversial financing in Tanzania

The World Bank is suspending funding for the controversial REGROW project in Tanzania. The Bank gave Rainforest Rescue its assurance during its Spring Meetings.

Two black-capped lories in a cage

Mar 22, 2024

Rescued: Proboscis monkeys, leopard cats and black-capped lories returned to the wild

Our Indonesian partner, Flight, rescues wildlife from smugglers, fights the trade in exotic birds, and releases songbirds back into the wild.

Graphic: SLAPP suits are intended to silence critics

Feb 27, 2024

EU puts a stop to abusive SLAPP lawsuits

The EU is finally getting a directive to combat abusive lawsuits, or SLAPPs, that will make it harder for corporations and powerful individuals to silence critics.

A protest march with thousands of people fills a street in the capital

Nov 30, 2023

Panama celebrates Supreme Court ruling against copper mine - protests continue

We celebrate the Supreme Court ruling declaring the copper mine unconstitutional, reports Radio Temblor – Colectivo Voces Ecólogicas

Environmentalist Matek in Malaysia

Nov 27, 2023

Sarawak: Logging company backs down in face of local resistance

In Sarawak, a timber company had started clearing forest along the Ulu Lioh and Ulu Lijan rivers. Faced by the resistance of local communities, the company withdrew.

Chimpanzees in Sapo National Park

Nov 7, 2023

Côte d’Ivoire: A safe forest corridor for chimpanzees

The Cavally Forest in Côte d'Ivoire has been declared a nature reserve. The link between the Taï and Sapo national parks is thus better protected.

Students celebrate the dismissal of charges against them

Nov 7, 2023

Uganda: Charges dropped against anti-pipeline activists

A court in Kampala dismissed the case against nine young environmental activists who had peacefully protested the EACOP oil pipeline.

Humboldt penguins on a rocky coastline

Oct 27, 2023

Chile upgrades protection of the Humboldt Archipelago

Chile’s Humboldt Archipelago is now a marine protected area. This is a significant step forward for this biodiversity hotspot.

A group of young people sitting and standing in front of a tree on the beach

Oct 3, 2023

Alternative Nobel Prize for Rainforest Rescue partner Mother Nature Cambodia

The youth group Mother Nature Cambodia has been lauded for its commitment to conservation and human rights. Congratulations to our Cambodian partners!

Vote YES for Yasuní

Aug 24, 2023

Ecuador: Referendum halts oil drilling in Yasuní National Park

A huge success: a majority of people in Ecuador voted to end oil production in Yasuní National Park in a binding referendum.

Ka’apor meeting in the Amazon rainforest

Jul 13, 2023

Study finds Indigenous Ka’apor are Brazil’s best rainforest defenders

The Indigenous Ka’apor, partners of our organization, are resisting the trend of increasing deforestation in Brazil and are sucessfully defending their forest.

A person among the trunks overgrown with mosses and epiphytes in a misty mountain rainforest

Apr 17, 2023

Ecuador: Local people triumph over copper mine

A great victory for the life, nature and biodiversity of the Intag region in Ecuador: A court finally annulled the environmental permit for a copper mine project.

Orange Guianan cock-of-the-rock

Apr 5, 2023

French Guiana: EU rejects derogation for biomass power plants in the Amazon rainforest

Thanks to united protests, the EU has rejected a derogation for the construction of biomass power plants in the rainforest of French Guiana.

Ten women who learned to read, write and do basic math in a WCF project present their certificates

Mar 24, 2023

Liberia: Teaching reading and numeracy – for conservation

In Liberia, Wild Chimpanzee Foundation conservationists provided literacy and numeracy training to ten women in the village of Jalay Town.

Teacher in a village school in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Jan 26, 2023

DRC: Fostering community trust with schools

In the heart of the Congo Basin, Rainforest Rescue supports school projects that go hand in hand with bonobo conservation.

Protest by the citizens of Kinipan in front of the court in Palangkaraya, 2022

Jan 17, 2023

Kinipan village chief acquitted

Indonesia’s Supreme Court has rejected the trumped-up charges against the village chief of Kinipan, Willem Hengki. This is a victory for all defenders of Borneo’s forests.

Portrait of indigenous leader Sarapo Ka'apor wearing a feather headdress

Jan 13, 2023

Brazil: Rainforest Rescue petition leads to federal police investigation

Indigenous people in Brazil face harrassment, eviction and even death for defending their forests against loggers, cattle ranchers, agribusiness and mining companies.

Two African elephants in Mole National Park, Ghana

Jan 12, 2023

Stronger protections put in place for pangolins and elephants

Elephants and pangolins are now better protected than ever before. Hundreds of thousands signed our petitions calling for stronger conservation laws.

Indigenous activists Hamrullah, Nimrod and Renaldi behind bars

Jan 3, 2023

Indonesia: Indigenous rainforest guardians released from prison

Three wrongly convicted Indigenous rainforest guardians are free after months in prison. The men were able to rely on the solidarity of Rainforest Rescue.


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