News and success stories
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The Sustainability Lie – A film about the dirty palm oil business
From 8th to 11th November, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is holding its Annual General Assembly in the Indonesian capital Jakarta. Europe wants to import ever more cheap palm oil and RSPO-certificates are buying producers and customers a good conscience. However, sustainable palm oil production is a myth, not a reality. Today, the NGO Rainforest Rescue is releasing a film about deforestation and evictions in Indonesia at the hands of the world's largest palm oil company.
Not Now, Not Never: the World Bank and oil palm
Interview with Guadalupe Rodriguez from Rainforest Rescue. Oil palm monoculture plantations are not and will never be sustainable” say environmentalist organizations such as Biofuelwatch, Rainforest Rescue, Ecologistas en Accion and the World Rainforest Movement, after the review process –more formal than real- of the World Bank investments in oil palm.
Environmental group call on World Bank to drop plans for resumed palm oil funding
Press release by World Rainforest Movement, Latin American Network against Monoculture Tree Plantations RECOMA, Rettet den Regenwald, Salva la Selva, Ecologistas en Accion and Biofuelwatch Frankfurt, 31st August 2010
Launch of “responsible soy” label faces global opposition
New scheme to certify biofuel and animal feed opposed by 235 civil society groups BRUSSELS (BELGIUM), 8 June 2010 ? A proposed new label for “responsible” soy will not stop deforestation, 235 civil society groups from across the globe warned in a letter today, ahead of a conference set to finalise the labeling scheme in Sao Paulo, Brazil. [1]
The Battle for the Xingu
Scientists Identify Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park as one of the Most Biodiverse Places on Earth
A team of scientists has documented that Yasuní National Park, located in the core of the Ecuadorian Amazon, is the most diverse area in all of South America and shatters world records for a wide array of plant and animal groups, from amphibians to trees to insects.