A wave of protest saves EU nature conservation laws
The EU Birds and Habitats Directives are safe: a wave of grassroots action across Europe prompted the EU to drop its plans to weaken these key nature laws.

265,000 signatures help save pangolins
Great news for pangolins: the member states of the CITES convention have decided to afford them the highest level of protection by banning trade in all eight species.

Nigeria: Ekuri stepping up the fight for their forest
The Ekuri people in Nigeria are rallying ever more international support for their struggle to save their forest from destruction.

Sulawesi: 250 mining operations shut down
Mining operations are being shut down and the rainforest and its inhabitants can breathe easier – a big success for our Indonesian partner JATAM.

Brazil: environmentalists stop dam on the Tapajós river
The tenacity of the indigenous Mundurukú and a wave of international support paid off in the end: the Tapajós megadam project has been scrapped.

Indonesia: your donations are preventing forest fires
Smoke and forest fires turned Borneo into a living hell in the summer of 2015. Your donations are enabling activists to rewet peatlands and prevent future fires.

Austria: Schweighofer stripped of FSC seal over illegal timber
Pressure by conservationists has put an end to greenwashing by Austrian timber giant Schweighofer. The company has been stripped of its FSC seal.

New trees for Indonesia’s orangutan forest
Devastating forest fires in Indonesia in 2015 destroyed parts of Tanjung Puting National Park. Our partners have since planted 6,000 seedlings to reforest the area.

South Africa maintains ban on rhino horn trade
South Africa has given up its heavily criticized proposal to legalize international trade in rhino horn. Swaziland, however, has now advanced such a plan.

Major dam project canceled: a win for the rainforest in Malaysia
For more than five years, indigenous communities have been fighting the construction of a 1200 MW dam on Baram River in Borneo. At last, they can breathe easier! The project was canceled and the rights to 400 km2 of rainforest were returned to the villagers evicted for the project.